

Family HQ is a platform where families can connect, interact and plan all their activities, tasks and appointments.


The ultimate goal of Family HQ is to
help families learn to prioritize events
by participating in the creation and regular update of a family calendar.

Families are extremely busy and trying
to manage school, work, life, and family schedules.


Some families try unsuccessfully to find solutions using a mix of social media, apps available on their mobile devices and email services to manage their schedules. Commercially available apps usually are too complex for their needs and end up discarded.

My role

Family HQ was a 5-week long project where I did research, usability testing, interviews, wireframing, visual design, and prototyping.


In this role, I conducted competitive analysis, interviews and created personas.

Usability testing

Wireframing / visual design
/ prototyping

I used Sketch, Illustrator and InVision to create the wireframes and mockups.

In this role, I set up and conducted multiple testing sessions and synthesized the results.


Before I was able to begin the project I had to validate my hypothesis to make sure there was indeed a need for another time-task management application. I started with a competitive
analysis of 5 of the most popular apps.

Competitive analysis

I analyzed 5 task management applications to evaluate their usability, depth and features.
The analysis helped me create a benchmark for Family HQ.

The second step of my research was to setup and conduct interviews of candidates that met the parameters of our study.


I Interviewed 10 mothers, ages 34–46 with 3–6 kids per household to better understand their needs and frustrations with trying to manage their daily life. How they used technology and what technology they used to try to solve their problems. From the interviews,  I got an idea of how they were using multiple applications to manage their tasks, from a calendar to Facebook, and more importantly, how they were not able to prioritize events that caused them to over schedule and or miss appointments.

Users wants and goals

Families are trying to balance their daily life, family time and extracurricular activities. They need to keep their family in contact and participant of all their activities and able to prioritize what’s important to the family.


Their goal is to include the whole family in the planning of the family schedule and to help accomplish their daily activities.


The personas were developed based on the information and findings gathered from the interviews to reflect the ideal Family HQ user.

User flow

After testing and refining, this was the final user flow. This flow reflects the ideal primary journey of an existing user follows to add an activity, schedule or a task. Also includes a secondary path, of a new user setting up an account and creating a calendar.


These screens were the starting point of the design process. At this point of the process the flow wasn't complete and the screens weren't fully developed.

Lo-fidelity wireframes

As the refinement process continued, the content, flow, and design of the screens were getting closer to the prototype version. These are some key screens of the user's journey.

Hi-fidelity wireframes

These are the final screens used on the prototype.
